Tasmanian Devil
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Conservation Park
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Conservation Park
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The Tasmanian devil story
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"Tasmanian Devil Friend"
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Lots of imps - baby devils - for our visitors! - 25 September 2010

New world first Tasmanian devil habitats a brilliant success - 10 May 2010

Best chance of creating a disease-free sanctuary for wild Tasmanian devils is right on our doorstep on Tasman Peninsula, says park director, John Hamilton - 8 May 2010

Park wins government support for major expansion

Come face to face with our Tasmanian devils when you visit the world's leading Tasmanian devil centre.

Learn about our exciting projects to help save the Tasmanian devil from extinction by a mystery cancer.
You're guaranteed to meet our famous little devils, you can hand feed friendly kangaroos, see our famous "Dive of the Falcon" in Kings of the Wind, Tasmania's only free-flight raptor show, discover quolls, eagles, falcons and hawks, try a nose to nose encounter with a potoroo and many other interesting Tasmanian creatures.

You will find us just one hour from Hobart, on the main highway near Port Arthur

"Superb entertainment" - The Guardian, UK
"Brilliantly done" - Philip Adams
"Far and away the best wildlife display in Tasmania" - Robert Bramel, US travel writer.

and help us save this important species

- holidays around Tasmania

Wildlife Conservation Department, Tasmania
University of Tasmania
Conservation Volunteers Australia
Tourism Tasmania
Fence and Gate Supplies - Hobart
The Roofing Centre - Hobart
Timber Wholesale - Hobart
A M Clark - Tasman Peninsula

Tasmanian Devil Conservation Park™
e-mail: [email protected]
phone +61 3 62 503 230 fax +61 3 62 503 406
Port Arthur Highway, Taranna, Tasmania, Australia 7180